BESTSELLERS / Progressive House
320 mp3
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Night Wandering
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.96 (€2)
Feel Me (Original Mix) (7:12)
Come out and Play (Original Mix) (9:05)
Night Wandering (Original Mix) (8:00)
Preis für gesamte Release $5.92 (€4)
Next up on Spring Tube Limited we present you the 'Night Wandering' EP by Ognjen Vukovic aka AudioStorm [Baroque, Stripped, Babylon, Mistique, Bermudos, Stellar Fountain, Electronic Tree] from Montenegro. Ognjen has debuted on our label with the "Come Out And Play" track which was a part of Spring Tube Limited' this year's sampler. His full EP release now for your pleasure.
3 in the Shade
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.96 (€2)
3 in the Shade (Original Mix) (10:21)
Routine (Original Mix) (10:37)
Tripping Bad (Original Mix) (14:35)
Preis für gesamte Release $5.92 (€4)
The name which some of you may forgot, some may hear first time, but most devoted Spring Tube's fans can't imagine our label's history without it and are happy about every new work from him. Igor Markov aka Reii is back in business after last seen with something new from him in March of 2013, this was Spring Tube's single release on his "Where Am I" with remixes by Relaunch, Phrakture and Trapezform. In July of 2014 we present you Reii's new 3-tracker '3 In The Shade' EP, one of the tracks from which was featured in Spring Tube Limited' this year's sampler a month back.
Spring Tube Limited Sampler 02
Spring Tube Limited Sampler 02
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.96 (€2)
Easy Kid - Fired (Original Mix) (6:12)
Hernan Cerbello - The Subject (Original Mix) (6:25)
Twoven, Sean Bartley - Voxx (Original Mix) (4:41)
Che Armstrong, Chris Johnson - In the Void (Original Mix) (6:29)
Erdi Irmak - I'm Always Here (Original Mix) (8:01)
Jaybeetrax - Basics Gonna Get You (Original Mix) (7:54)
Stephen J. Kroos - Etiological (Original Mix) (7:10)
Reii - Routine (Original Mix) (10:37)
Monojoke - Meet Me Another Time (Original Mix) (8:23)
Ewan Rill - Late Night (Original Mix) (6:46)
AudioStorm - Come out and Play (Original Mix) (9:05)
Fiddler - I Can't Do Anything (Original Mix) (8:12)
Preis für gesamte Release $10.35 (€7)
Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, please welcome our labels' yearly sampler releases. Starting past spring we present you not one but the whole two samplers - from both our imprints, Spring Tube and Spring Tube Limited. And this year we prepared two dozen of brand new exclusive original tracks for both Spring Tube's 5th sampler and Spring Tube Limited' 2nd sampler. Spring Tube's 5th sampler includes fresh works by label's residents: Stephen J. Kroos, Da Funk, Luiz B, Marco Grandi, Hernan Cerbello, Anthony Mea, Telekollektiv, Electricano (feat. Diana Payton), Lea D, Marcelo Nassi (feat. Matvey Emerson), Kaspar Kochker, and Noyark. Whereas Spring Tube Limited' 2nd sampler besides new things by our residents (Stephen J. Kroos, Hernan Cerbello, Ewan Rill, Monojoke, Reii, Jaybeetrax, and Erdi Irmak) contains also five debuts for the label's roster - Che Armstrong & Chris Johnson, Twoven & Sean Bartley, AudioStorm, Fiddler, and Easy Kid. The releases will be out May 27 (Spring Tube Sampler 05) and May 28 (Spring Tube Limited Sampler 02) on both imprints respectively. And, as always, till the next spring expect from us the full singles with remixes on several tracks from these our samplers.
Two Unlimited 03
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.96 (€2)
Toppy - Stay Focused (Original Mix) (7:41)
Jaybeetrax - Little Prinzess (Original Mix) (8:27)
Preis für gesamte Release $4.44 (€3)
Spring Tube Limited' 37th release is the 3rd installment of our 'Two Unlimited' series. This time label's artist roster with their new works join Jaybeetrax [Baroque, Lowbit, AlterImage, OLD SQL] from Germany, and Toppy [Mistique, Clinique, LuPS, BQ] from Bulgaria.
Two Unlimited 02
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.96 (€2)
Controlwerk - Watchtower (Original Mix) (8:10)
Ethereal Mist - Strange Life Form (Original Mix) (7:51)
Preis für gesamte Release $4.44 (€3)
Next release on Spring Tube Limited is the second installment of our recently launched 'Two Unlimited' series. After presenting the first one with the tracks by Michael A and Miraculum month and a half ago here is the 'Two Unlimited 02' and another couple of works by two new artists for our roster - Controlwerk [Mistique, Alter Ego, Tiefhaus] from the UK, and Ethereal Mist [JOOF, Electronic Tree, Reverence] from Colombia.
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