BESTSELLERS / Progressive House
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Nu Breeds 07
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.99 (€2)
Sergey Sivenenko - Insomnia (Original Mix) (5:28)
La Rose - Make the Best of It (Original Mix) (6:31)
Nae-Tago, Squillante - Cognitive (Original Mix) (9:34)
Amezquita - Compulsive (Original Mix) (8:46)
Zak Gee - Aliens in My Studio (Original Mix) (7:45)
Arthur Distone - Nightlight (Original Mix) (5:35)
Evan Blacks - Psychosynthesis (Original Mix) (7:17)
Michael Hokanson - Deimos (Original Mix) (4:28)
Maentrao - Summer E'en (Original Mix) (8:29)
Bornjevski - Sweet Summer Sadness (Original Mix) (8:05)
Preis für gesamte Release $10.45 (€7)
It's time to present you another installment of our 'Nu Breeds' series which is the second this year and already the seventh in general. As always here you'll find ten new original tracks by young and up-and-coming artists only. 'Nu Breeds 07' includes fresh works by: two artists who also have appeared in the previous series installments - Sergey Sivenenko from Russia, and La Rose from the Netherlands; two who already have made some waves with the releases on respectable labels - Nae-Tago & Squillante [Baroque, Bonzai, Mistique] from the UK, and Amezquita [System, Mirabilis, Liquid Grooves] from Colombia; two whom we noticed by some of their previous releases - Zak Gee from the UK, and Arthur Distone from Russia; and another two couples - Evan Blacks from Moldova, and Michael Hokanson from USA, Maentrao from Lithuania, and Bornjevski from the Netherlands.
Little Dancer
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.99 (€2)
Little Dancer (Original Mix) (7:14)
Just a Girl (Original Mix) (7:31)
Preis für gesamte Release $4.48 (€3)
Spring Tube's 125th release is the 2-tracker 'Little Dancer' EP by Mexican producer White Resonance [Outta Limits, Baroque, Fatali, Bonzai, Stellar Fountain] who was seen on our label in 2013 with several originals for the 'Deeper Shades' series and one remix work for Napalm & d-phrag's "Stranded" single. In 2014 White Resonance debuts on Spring Tube with his first personal EP which is produced in a collaboration with his fellow countryman and the newcomer for the scene - Inked Shoes.
Artist Choice 14. Nikolay Mikryukov
Artist Choice 14. Nikolay Mikryukov
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.99 (€2)
AKI Amano - Beyond the Sky (Valentin Remix) (8:00)
Nikolay Mikryukov - Luminescence (Original Mix) (6:43)
A.Squared - Nairobi (Original Mix) (7:19)
Sun In Arms - Stay Near (Original Mix) (9:37)
Flashtech - On a Sunny Day (Original Mix) (7:29)
Mistol Team - Dynamo Love (Gux Jimenez Remix) (6:19)
Eddie Bitz - Eyesight (Original Mix) (6:09)
Flashtech - All It Takes Is Time (Original Mix) (7:19)
Omauha - People Can Fly (Gux Jimenez Remix) (8:49)
Luiz B - Rainy Days (Lessov Remix) (8:23)
Nikolay Mikryukov - Orbit (Original Mix) (8:50)
Alexander Hristov - Sunset Beach (Nikolay Mikryukov Remix) (8:41)
Nikolay Mikryukov - Artist Choice 14 (Continuous DJ Mix) (80:03)
Preis für gesamte Release $10.45 (€7)
Round Triangle artists' choice. The brightest tracks from label's releases compiled and mixed by the representatives of our roster. Artist Choice 14: Nikolay Mikryukov
Artist Choice 13. Abity
Artist Choice 13. Abity
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.99 (€2)
Abity - Crossing the Parana (Original Mix) (6:47)
Abity - Cool Groove (Original Mix) (6:51)
Abity - Dwa953 (Original Mix) (7:45)
Ewan Rill, Ivan Lu - Using the Chance (Original Mix) (8:10)
Abity - Furthermost (Original Mix) (7:41)
Abity - Sunset (Original Mix) (6:34)
Abity - Thursday (Original Mix) (7:18)
Abity - Sunrise (Original Mix) (7:01)
Abity - Regrets (Original Mix) (6:37)
Abity - Afternoon (Original Mix) (7:45)
Eddie Bitz - Eyesight (Abity Remix) (6:23)
Abity - Artist Choice 13 (Continuous DJ Mix) (65:30)
Preis für gesamte Release $10.45 (€7)
Round Triangle artists' choice. The brightest tracks from label's releases compiled and mixed by the representatives of our roster. Artist Choice 13: Abity
Artist Choice 12. Rick Siron
Artist Choice 12. Rick Siron
Preis pro Titel: 
$2.99 (€2)
Aurolab - Cassiopeia (Original Mix) (7:32)
Flashtech - Harmony (Original Mix) (6:39)
Eddie Bitz - Eyesight (Original Mix) (6:09)
Aurolab - The Last Sun Day (Original Mix) (7:01)
Rick Siron - 10.22 (Original Mix) (7:25)
East Sunrise - Trilogy (Original Mix) (6:38)
Flashtech - On a Sunny Day (Original Mix) (7:29)
Oluca - Wild Child (Original Mix) (6:57)
Rick Siron - Mesomorph (Original Mix) (7:21)
Ewan Rill, Ivan Lu - Using the Chance (Original Mix) (8:10)
Rick Siron - Saracy (Original Mix) (6:43)
Sun In Arms - Stay Near (Original Mix) (9:37)
Fiddler - One Tear (Fery Jasefoss Remix) (6:59)
MH20 - Why Am I Doing This (ReDub 'Sunrise At 5AM' Remix) (8:00)
Rick Siron - Away (Original Mix) (7:41)
Rick Siron - Artist Choice 12 (Continuous DJ Mix) (85:55)
Preis für gesamte Release $10.45 (€7)
Round Triangle artists' choice. The brightest tracks from label's releases compiled and mixed by the representatives of our roster. Artist Choice 12: Rick Siron
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